Thursday, 8 March 2012


Just like that, I have started writing a blog.

You may be wondering why I did not start this blog with an introduction post. The truth is, if I do that, this blog won’t be open in another 12 months. From first contemplating writing journals/diaries at the age of 15, more than a decade has passed, and I still have not finished one notebook. When I first got pregnant, I thrilled at the idea of starting a blog to record my 40 weeks of pregnancy, to write letters to my unborn baby. It did not happen and I blamed all the pregnancy hormones. I told myself never mind, I can start writing after she is born, the birth story, the milestones, the first birthday celebration etc, all will be nice and sweet. One year has passed since she was born, last December I have finally registered a name with Blogpost and left it untouched ever since. 3 months has passed I am still drafting the introduction in my head. You know? It is a brand new thing I am doing, it is a brand new blog I am starting, come on, the introduction has to be a blast, a grand opening. It has to list 10 reasons why I start the blog and 10 things I am going to do after starting the blog and 10 reasons why you should follow my blog, and on and on it goes, the introduction was never ready.

And just like that, the other day I was looking at my baby girl and thinking what a girly girl she is, and I should write it down before she grows up. And just like that, I have published my first post and I am blogging now.

I like writing. I always think I like writing, although I haven’t written anything other than the compositions in primary and secondary school. Words are beautiful; to put your t thoughts and emotions into words is like a form of art. Writing is a form of relaxation. Have you heard that there are 3 simple forms of distress methods? – Deep breathing exercise, listening to music and writing. Write down your worries and grievance, you will be surprised that they will be gone from your mind. Write down your happy feelings, and they will be in your memories forever. It’s magical. It’s exactly like “Writes your worries on the sand, Carve your blessings in stone’.

As I shared in my personal profile, I have been following a number of local parenting blogs lately. Here is what I observed. Firstly, of course you must have beautiful and adorable kids to write about. Secondly, you must bring them out & about very often so you have lots of events to write about. Lastly, you probably should have a DSLR and take really nice photos. I guess I am only close to the first criteria (And that's provided you have no objection :-)). Hence, it's going to be a humble start.

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